Outreach Programs

Ethnic Dialogue programs attract hundreds of school and university students, and adult groups each year. First voice presenters open a window into the life of the community, and explore common ground shared by Americans of all ethnicities. Programs are tailored to interests of your group and can be conducted off site or at our “Living Museum” the Devon Avenue ethnic marketplace. To register for this program, click here.
NIAM’s Gandhi Peace Program began with the goal of bringing Mahatma Gandhi’s peace and non-violence teachings to underprivileged schools in Chicago. As 2019 was the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi, the program came to fruition at a meaningful time. The program was celebrated by the Indian Consulate that year in the historic Swami Vivekananda room at the Art Institute of Chicago. The curriculum caters to Grades 2-5 and encompasses Gandhi’s incredible story but also teaches children the practice of meditation along with an art and writing component.

The Ralla Klepak Foundation presents Cultural Rhythms Program specifically to introduce Indian American identity and our classical and folk dances to underprivileged kids enrolled in Chicago Public Schools and schools in the neighboring suburbs. The program is delivered at local schools to give them the opportunity to experience Indian dance styles from the convenience of their own space. In addition there is an initial lecture on the Indian American subcontinent and geography and the session wraps up with enjoying the vast Indian cuisine. It’s our philosophy that this program doesn’t just teach students about Indian culture but experience it themselves.